


今天是妇女历史月! 每年, March is designated as the time of year during which we honor women’s contributions to American culture and history.  全国妇女历史联盟指定了 2024年的主题“倡导平等、多元化和包容的女性”.”


我们希望你能和我们一起庆祝, 在Mount Union大学, by taking part in some of the following activities and events which bring the theme to life and bring awareness to the ways in which women are doing just that - by impacting our local communities and achieving in their professions. 另外, we will recognize some of the accomplishments of women on our own campus, 只是聚在一起建立联系,互相鼓舞.  All events are open to the public unless noted; although a few require reservations using the links provided.


  • 简·韦斯顿·查普曼奖

    The 简·韦斯顿·查普曼奖 honors individuals within the campus and Alliance community who demonstrate efforts inluding:

    • Educate others regarding women's history and celebrate their accomplishments
    • Ensure a campus climate that promotes women's participation and opportunities in any and all areas of our Mount Union community


    提名 2024年2月28日到期吗. 


    See the winners of this year's award at hte 妇女历史月 Keynote Panel on Tuesday,  2024年3月26日上午11:15.m. 在纽博尔德房间. 请回复本次活动 在这里 2024年3月21日. 

  • 校园活动


    国际徽章日- 4便士.m.,中大大堂

    由Panhellenic赞助. Celebrating the badge and all those who support our sorority women with treats to go. 从下午4点开始,在他们的桌子旁停下来和他们打招呼.m.


    克肖讲座- 7点.m.Presser独奏厅

    Amber Kempthorn recently received an Ohio 艺术 Council Individual Excellence Award and a grant from the John S. 詹姆斯·L. 奈特基金会资助她的动画项目, 普通魔法:凯霍加谷的一个星期天, a series of four animations visually translating Benjamin Britten’s Four Sea Interludes (1945). Blending traditional hand-drawn and contemporary computer animation, Ordinary Magic builds on the tradition of playfully merging classical music with animation. She will present Ordinary Magic during the Kershaw Lecture with an accompanying art exhibit through March 14th in the Sally Otto Gallery. 买讲座的票 在这里.


    拖夜总会- 7点.m.校园场地,HPCC

    由突袭者编程委员会赞助. 出来和我们的皇后山一起庆祝吧!


    妇女历史月油漆和喝- 7便士.m.校园场地,HPCC

    Join the Raider Programming Board and choose your own canvas kit of a significant woman in history. Don’t be late, the first 50 people get the opportunity to paint.


    Canton Area League Of Women Voters – Making Democracy Work, 11:15 a.m.HPPC纽博尔德室

    加入博士. 卡罗尔Canavan, co-president of the Canton Area League of Women Voters and former assistant vice president of academic affairs at the University, who will be 在这里 to share the history and contributions that this nonpartisan, grass roots organization has made for more than 100 years as it strives to educate and engage the citizens in our community to participate in the electoral process. 将提供茶点.



    由国际学生服务办公室主办. Join us for program presented by a visiting group of 12 high school women from Hiroshima Jogakuin High School who will share their involvement with efforts to build peace and learn about American culture while sharing aspects of their own. 将提供茶点.


    一本书,一个社区- 7便士.m.,刷厅,吉斯中心

    林恩·凯利, 手语翻译, 也是《威尼斯人app下载》的作者, 一个社区选择鲸鱼之歌, received the 2020 Schneider Family Book Award for this novel which was named one of the best books of the year by the New York Public 图书馆. Her 2019 novel about a deaf girl named Iris who forms an unlikely bond with the “loneliest what in the world,被形容为“精心制作”,”“重要,和《威尼斯人app下载》(Publishers Weekly)的评论“令人振奋”, 这个故事, 和学校图书馆学报.


    EmpowerHer: Celebrating Women’s History Month with Financial Empowerment- 7 p.m.,虚拟- 网上注册 通过哪些

    EmpowerHer is a virtual celebration of Women’s History Month focused on empowering women to achieve financial independence through financial education and resources.


    Women’s History Month Keynote Panel and Awards Luncheon- 11:15 a.m.纽博尔德,HPCC

    The annual presentation of the Mount Union大学 简·韦斯顿·查普曼奖s will take place at this luncheon which will also include a panel discussion of ‘Sheroes in Our Community’; women who are making a difference in and around the Alliance area. 请 发请帖 2024年3月21日,星期四.


    获取女性历史独家新闻- 11a.m.德瓦尔德教堂外

    由姐妹圈和黑人学生会赞助. Indulge in some ice cream from Almost Heaven and learn while getting the scoop about the contributions of women throughout history.


    妇女历史月酒会-下午3:30.m.Haupt House

    为联合山妇女历史月庆祝活动画上句号, faculty and staff are invited to join for a wine and cheese reception, 由总统办公室主办. 请 feel free to drop by any time during the event to mingle with your colleagues, learn about Mount Union’s involvement with the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network – Ohio, and provide feedback regarding potential future programming for the women of our campus. 请 发请帖 2024年3月27日,星期三.

  • 妇女历史月图书指南

    View the interactive timeline featuring the important women throughout history and their stories. 
