

The Mount Union大学 is home to nearly 90 student organizations where students can engage with opportunities that relate to their passions, 利益, 在很多情况下, 包括他们的学术课程, 太!  These organizations range in type from academic to social, 从宗教到服务, as well as a variety of special interest organizations. Student organization membership provides an environment for students to connect with one another through a topic of mutual interest, and provide opportunities for co-curricular learning and leadership development.  Student organizations are required to register with the 学生参与及领导办公室 and maintain current contact information for presidents and advisors, 以及准确的宪法. Students can learn about becoming involved in these student organizations by participating in Raiderfest, 学生的参与 Fair held during the first week of classes in the fall. 


The 学生参与及领导办公室 provides a number of additional resources on student organizations.


Any Mount Union student is eligible to start a new or rein状态 a pre-existing student organization on campus. 然而, to ensure that a proposed organization is aligned with the University's mission 状态ment and in compliance with all federal, 状态, 及校规, the University reserves the right to review and approve all proposed student organizations seeking University recognition. This is done through the following outlined review process. 

学生有兴趣组成一个 新生组织 must first discuss their plans with the director of student involvement and leadership before meeting as an organized group, 起草宪法, 或者策划组织活动. The director works with students to identify existing student organizations that may meet students’ needs or assist the students to complete the appropriate documentation, 其中包括 组织的宪法 to support the successful completion of the recognition process.

Those students wishing to start the process for establishing a social fraternity or sorority must have the approval of the director of student involvement, 教务长, 还有大学校长. The process for establishing such an organization must also follow the expansion policy of the University. Please contact the director of student involvement and leadership directly at leadership@106bx.com.

After appropriate documentation is submitted to the Director, the Committee on 学生组织 reviews the documentation of the proposed organization and votes to grant recognition. The Director of 学生的参与 and 领导 will notify the group 以书面形式 最后的动作.

This approval process usually takes about two to three weeks; however, student organizations should plan that this process could take longer. 在那段时间里, the activities of the 新生组织 will be limited to meeting and membership drives. No other activities, solicitation, or programs will be allowed until final approval has been granted.

If you are a current Mount Union student who would like to start a 新生组织, please contact the 学生参与及领导办公室 at (800) 992-6682, ext. 2885 or leadership@106bx.com.